Get Involved

curious about options?

book an info session (1h) Value $100

You will see cups, discs, liners, pads and undies

like to make a pad?

book a starter class (3h) (value $30)
You will make one or two pads of your choice

Enjoy making and want to volunteer?

join a working bee group
make 3 pads in a working bee

  • Pad no 1: will be donated to individuals who are in need
  • Pad no 2: will be sold to those who can afford to give back to the project
  • Pad no 3: will be for you to keep or give to a loved one in need
  • If you are a person in need yourself, you can make three pads for $25

Like to make a full kit? (value $400)

Book a 24 h class
You will make all pads needed for period management for one person

Do not like to make but have money?

Sponsor an information session or a class or simply sponsor Sew On

You like the project and have skills to offer?

This is a new project and I could do with some help to develop this into a social enterprise.

The project is currently supported by the Waste minimisation fund from the DCC.